1 of 4: A booklet welcoming its audience to the 115th Chilocco National Reunion. Within the first page of the booklet is four images, three of which have short descriptive paragraphs. At the top right of the document is the word "Tulsa". At the bottom right there is a logo and the words "Welcome to 115th Chilocco National Reunion; Host Chapter Tsa-la-gi Tahlequah, OK June 10,11,12 & 13, 1999. Two of the images are of people. The on at the top left corner is of a opera performance. The one directly below it is of an elaborate building surrounded by water and trees. The image beneath that image is of a sketched out drawing of the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame. The final image is on the right half of the document and is on the upper half. This image is of a young boy in his regalia.
Tahlequah, Oklahoma