Black Eagle or Jefferson Greene (lim lím) and 'iléxni 'éewteesin' (Many Wounds)

Cultural Narrative: 

Black Eagle is on the left wearing a split buffalo horn headdress, while 'iléxni 'éewteesin' (Many Wounds) stands on the right holding a flute. They are in front of what appears to be a fair ground. Black Eagle and 'iléxni 'éewteesin' (Many Wounds) are both sons of Wottolen. Black Eagle was a young warrior at the c'aynim 'alikinwaaspa (Battle of Bear Paw), and escaped north to take refuge with Sitting Bull in Canada. 'iléxni 'éewteesin' (Many Wounds), who is the younger brother, is best known for his work as an interpreter.