A document that contains a list of names of individuals from left to right and by row. This is a photo that is taken by photographer J.N. Choate. There is no image just a list of names.
Samuel Dion, Paul Boynton, Eagle Little Hawk, Victoriano Gachupiu, Job Hunter boy, Nelson Caught the Eagle, Jonas Peace, Jose Nadilgodey, Outa Chief Eagle, David Turky, Charles Hood, John Miller, Joel Cotter, John Kitson, Percy Zedoka, Paul Eagle Star, Frank Dorisn, Issac Williams, Otto Zotom, Samuel Townsend, Eustace Esapoghet, James Black Hawk, Arrow Running Horse, Jesse Paul, Joel Tyndall, Wilke Sharp(e), Lorenzo Martinez, C. Wolf, Robert Mathew, Percy Kable, J.N. ChoateLocation Description:
Carlisle, PA