Scene where piyopyóot’alikt (Peo Peo Tholekt) and a ceeptitím’nin (Cheyenne) warrior had a duel, c'aynim 'alikinwaaspa (Bear Paw Mountain battle), September 30, 1877. The smaller stone heap is where piyopyóot’alikt (Peo Peo Tholekt) stood dismounted and from where he fired. The larger stone heap is where the ceeptitím’nin (Cheyenne) fell from his horse. "Big Butte" is dimly seen in the distance to which some of the Nez Perce fled. The ceeptitím’nin (Cheyenne) were traditional allies of the Nez Perce, so it was taken as a particularly bitter act of betrayal when ceeptitím’nin (Cheyenne) warriors were found to be working with U.S. Army troops under Colonel Nelson Miles. McWhorter visited this site multiple times, first in 1927 when, along with hímiin maqsmáqs (Yellow Wolf), the battlefield was first staked. In 1932, when this photograph was taken, McWhorter returned to replace stakes that were missing due to weather and erosion. There is a note from McWhorter to surveyor Raymond Noyes requesting the shot, dated September 21, 1940.
On verso of the photograph: "Photograph of where Peo Peo Tholekt and the Cheyenne had their duel will be for the Field History. Would not fit properly in Y. Wolf's story. Take a couple different views. Take note of cardinal points, which direction taken. But you understand all this." There is a note from Raymond Noyes addressed to McWhorter accompanying the photograph which states "Dear Sir, Enclosed please find prints of Stake No. 117, as requested. These pictures cost me 3.08 for Kodak and Auto hire, besides my time, I was wondering if you had your book ready and the price of it as I want a copy of it. (The Trail of Chief Joseph or what ever the name is)." Both letters are at MASC.