Nez Perce named Charlie Wilpoken and family, Colville Indian Reservation, Washington, ca. 1900-1910.


Man, two women, and young girl pose in front of wooden house. The women and girl are seated on chairs covered with blankets wearing earrings, necklaces, and dresses with beaded belts. The girl wears moccasins. A decorated bag is on the ground between the women. The man wearing a feather in his hair, stands in back of the seated women and girl, ca. 1900-1910. Caption on negative sleeve: Family group; three squaws and little girl. Note from unidentified source: Charlie Wilpocken, two wives and daughter. Woman in center is probably Kil-ess-tum, a Yakima.

Location Description: 

United States--Washington (State)--Colville Indian Reservation