Stories from the River is a series of documentary shorts produced in collaboration with Confluence, Tule Films and NW Documentary, which the goal to elevate Indigenous voices in our collective understanding of the Columbia River system.
Stories from the River is a series of documentary shorts produced in collaboration with Confluence, Tule Films and NW Documentary. These videos are here to support teachers as they work to bring Indigenous prospects into schools. They are also educational and inspirational to anyone curious to gain a more inclusive understanding of the Columbia River system. Filmmaker Woodrow Hunt (Klamath/Cherokee) of Tule Films produced this series with the support of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Each documentary short has a specific theme -- this one is Celilo-- but all have one overarching goal: to elevate Indigenous voices in our collective understanding of the Columbia River system.
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Digital Heritage
Stories from the River is a series of documentary shorts produced in collaboration with Confluence, Tule Films and NW Documentary, which the goal to elevate Indigenous voices in our collective understanding of the Columbia River system.
Digital Heritage
Economy/Economic Development, Government to Government Relations, Wars/Military/Conflict
Stories from the River is a series of documentary shorts produced in collaboration with Confluence, Tule Films and NW Documentary, which the goal to elevate Indigenous voices in our collective understanding of the Columbia River system.
Digital Heritage
Stories from the River is a series of documentary shorts produced in collaboration with Confluence, Tule Films and NW Documentary, which the goal to elevate Indigenous voices in our collective understanding of the Columbia River system.
Digital Heritage
Government to Government Relations, Lands, Lifeways, Religion
Stories from the River is a series of documentary shorts produced in collaboration with Confluence, Tule Films and NW Documentary, which the goal to elevate Indigenous voices in our collective understanding of the Columbia River system.