Yakama Nation Review, Volume 10, Number 19

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Page 1: Yakima Nation Review 80, "I'm not running because I'm Indian", Vietnam veterans report: Effects of "Agent Orange", General council April 2-4 meeting of general council draws no quorum, Della James Enters Pageant.
Page 2: What's happening, Library developing to the needs of tribal society.
Page 3: "American Indian bank", Lummi Indian School of Aquaculture, Walking on, Raedeen Underwood Eyle, Sophia George, Catherine Sam, Nelson Onepenne.
Page 4: Are the council fire, Resolutions acted on, Resolutions tabled, Items not requiring resolution (other business).
Page 5: Indian Notes, Vince Lovett, "Indians exempted from windfall profits tax on soil; Must pay severance", "White Mountain Apaches get big spread in National Geographic",
Page 6: Esther's Arts-N-Crafts Shop, "United" Reyes & Gardee, "A Easter Surprise".
Page 7: Advertisements.
Page 8: Boys pee wee basketball tournament, 18 & under girls and boys basketball tournament, Tribute to Joe Sampson.
Page 9: Bowl for fun, All Indian bowling results.
Page 10: Sports, New program- drop in center, Lynwood golden gloves, Tribal members in National AAU tourney, Boxing at Lynwood Elks Club.
Page 11: Classified call (509) 865-2673, Legal notices, jobs, For sale, Rentals, Obituaries.
Page 12: Services, Real Estate.