Yakama Nation Review, Volume 2, Number 14

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Great Resolutions, They asked, confronted, and selected Miss Yakima Nation IV, Minorities-- "College day", Joe Yallup - "I want scouts", J.O.M Toppenish parents meet
Page 2: B.I.A Education claims "five basic types of Indians", Methodist executive speaks out, "First" recorded in legal efforts, Indian people- continuous struggle
Page 3: 18th Annual all -Indian tourney queen candidates, TIA-MA-WAL-LAT-TIT (make it, in the basket)
Page 4: Progress indicated in Indian Jurisdiction program, Tribe gets winter season