Yakama Nation Review, Volume 28, Number 18

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Parties reach Lummi water rights agreement; Hanford acid vial removed; 25 years ago, Wounded Knee II Oglala holiday; Reno requests Babbit probe; Council reconvenes Fe. 23; Case dismissed, Washines hopes to get back into law enforcement; Zapatistas mark autonomous zone; New Clinton BIA budget boosts police, school;
Page 2: Lummi water pact reached (continued from page 1); New BIA budget (continued from page 1); Reno requests Babbit probe (continued from page 1); Washines eyeing police work (continued from page 1).
Page 3: Quickly; Zone 6: Winter fishing season set; Washines aims to get back into police work (continued from page 2); General counsel resumes Feb. 23 (continued from page 1).
Page 4: Wounded Knee II Oglala holiday; Oglala council resolutions; Russ Means remembered how it started; Peltier supports gather on arrest anniversary.
Page 5: Native Northwest; Washington; Remains, artifacts found at Seattle site; Native food production, marketing workshop slated; pneumonia claimed teen; Idaho; Idaho measure would tax shoppers on reservations; Sho-Ban leaders, Navy sign nuke shipping pact; Sonic booms rattle Duck Valley despite Air Force pledge; Shea nomination moves; New state website for salmon restoration efforts.
Page 6: A Retrospective, the artwork of larry George; ‘Quilters’: Drama and Exhibit; Umtuch family seeking videos; Ceremonial Calendar.
Page 7: People in the news; Toni, Brandon tops at YTS for month; Catholic school on Goodman road; Carole Heart top IHS advisor;
Page 8: Opinion and Commentary; Monica’s memo: Who was it’s author?; out of the mailbox; Best route through legal channels; many thanks to contributors; ongoing garbage problem at Satus; Some traditional travel tips asked.
Page 9: Out of our mailbag; the case against suicide; clarifications about companies; Chiapas: Zapatista zone (continued from page 1); Walking On; Naomi Amy Shephard; Elizabeth Doublerunner memorial; Peter Olney Sr. stonesetting; Lester Lewis Memorial.
Page 10: Sports: Chargers are Volleyball champions, two squads are also WIAA academic champions; YTS chess club wins title; Leavitt wins Silver; “Tournament talk” Early start?; queens sought; Bucks host; instant replays.
Page 11: Classifieds; employment; fisheries technician II; Bookkeeper IV fisheries dept; Case manager; records clerk/OAII contract health services dept.; Cook; dishwasher finance dept.; environment technician II; office assistant III: education dept.; office assistant III/ realty dept.; Assistant attorney office of legal counsel; food service workers, youth treatment center; community health aide II youth treatment center; bookkeeper IV;
Page 12: Across Native America; Southwest; NRC Begins assessing Goshute nuclear storage; Chavez will face Hale in Navajo elections; Northern plains; Abourezk Yankton Sioux boundary fight not over; Great Lakes; Lac Courte Oreille turn down casino extension offers Judge nixes expanding Ojibwe fishing rights; Northeast; Pataki may reimpose reservation taxes in N.Y.; Southeast; Alabama prison system ‘stifling’ religious practices; Lawmaker override bans gay marriage in state.