Yakama Nation Review, Volume 28, Number 23

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Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: WFG proposes klickitat salmon sting (continued on page 3); BPA defunding trims river enforcement (continued on page 2); McManamon overseeing remains case (continued on page 4); Licke seat biologists tuck on wildlife panel (continued on page 5); Did ancient Anasazi mummify their dead? (continued on page 9); Inside.
Page 2: Trust reforms ahead (continued from page 1); Zone 6 Indian fishery; BPA defunding trims river enforcement (continued from page 1); Quickly.
Page 3: DFW klickitat sting (continued from page 1); DFW proposal 8061; DFW undercover surveillance would block 'criminal intent' of Indian fishers; BPA defunding trims river fisheries enforcement (continued from page 2).
Page 4: McManamon overseeing remains case (continued from page 1); Lower valley court?; Man in the news; McManamon at a glance; Ceremonial calendar.
Page 5: Native Northwest; Washington; Muckleshoot want casino lawsuit dropped; Three Tulalip men charged with off-season elk shooting; Spokane smokeshop operator asks seized cigarettes return; Oregon; Three of 8 incumbents reelected at Warm springs; NPS, group mark 125th year following 1873 Modoc war; Idaho; Coeur d'Alene resume work on casino expansion; Tuck seated on wildlife panel (continued from page 1).
Page 6: 'Tortoise & Hare' Apr. 29; Spokane: Plateau Indian mart; Treaty day will salute the ancestors; Health fair sets busy schedule; THS elects board, officers; Health fair sets busy schedule; Crow's shadow seeks coordinator.
Page 7: People in the news; Jonalee will accept IHS Kamiakin award; Bank employee also handles robbers; Whiteshirt will accept degree; Apas youth rally June 1-7; Treaty parade in White swan; Harrah school slates powwow; Incentive awards; Gardees mark 20 years against tide; New faces in the work force.
Page 8: Opinion & commentary; PXWI; Views of elders; Public sessions; Out of our mailbag; Treaty terms are not negotiable (continued on page 9); Who to represent Washington in the 21st century? Why not?; S.B. 1961 based on galso permise.
Page 9: Out of our mailbag; Gorton right voice for next century? (continued from page 8); Hate groups behind Gorton; Wrong $ right; Class tries 'time balls'; Civil right: A free press; Walking on; Mary M. Plumlee Feil; Marie Alice Dick Albert; Warmp springs leader Mitchell dies; BIA educator Harold Shunk passes; Didn Anasazi mummify remains (continued from page 1).
Page 10: Sports; Heemsah, ShoulderBlade named high school athletes of the year; Andrea Gardee names karate student-of-the-month; June all-Indian rodeo queen candidates sought; Instant replays.
Page 11: Classifieds; Employment; Forest fire lookout; Forest technician I; Fire control worker I; General ledger accountant; Bookkeeper III; Bookkeeper III; Sales clerk.
Page 12: Across Native America; Southwest; Goshute lands found 'unsafe' for nuke waste storage; Romer signs bill making Indian history mandatory; Cassador wins primary will face Jicarilla runoff; Former Tigua leader Silvas indicted in drum removal; Native journalists on way; Far West; Councilwoman Calac lied before federal grand jury; Southern plains; Roberts: Over 11 years in sex harassment cases; Northeast; State opposed Mohawk casino on internet; Southeast; La. legislators want to tax Indian casinos; Wapato Indian club busy.