Page 7: Ceremonial calendar; September; Sept. 24-27: 20th annual Yakama nation national Indian days celebration; October; Oct. 9: SACNAS annual powwow 'celebrating our 25th year; Oct. 9-11: Eagle plume society powwow; Oct. 23-25: 11th annual mid-columvia river celebration; Oct. 31-Nov. 1: 1st annual washington american Indian days; November; Nov. 7-15: 33rd annual veteran's day celebration & powwow; Nov. 11: Veterans day powwow; Nov. 13-15: 9th annual veterans powwow; Nov. 14: Chemawa veterans powwow; Nov. 20-22: 5th annual young nation celebration; Nov. 21: 21st annual siletz restoration powwow; Nov. 26-28: 'Qua Tla Nowit Nami En-Chi Tla Mi Yow'; People in the news; Family drive for kidney transplant; Nettie goes south to Peru; Walker new miss Indian nations; New faces in workforce; Driver training set to roll; Microsoft now Indian-friendly.