Yakama Nation Review, Volume 8, Number 9

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.

Page 1: Heritage center dream coming true, Cunningham assaults tribal fishing hunting, Gerard invites policy assistance, Supreme Court may weigh jurisdiction of Yakimas, In Dallas: NCAI backs tribal powers in crisis
Page 2: What’s Happening: Quotable, National, Northwest, Yakima Nation, Newsmaker, Boldt takes ‘complete control’ of fishery
Page 3: Town House meeting slated, IRS ‘tax liability’ suit dismissed, At a Glance: Seattle hearings Oct 19-20, Gonzales death suit dismissed, Libraries get ‘Meeds Report’, Heritage center cont.
Page 4: Women in the News: Veronica Murdock history’s first, NCAI assembly weighs tribal sovereignty amid backlash
Page 5: River claims Halliday, Say it in Yakima
Page 6: Northwest Outlook: Is Dixy listening, Five coast tribes leave STOWW, In Seattle: NW Urban Indian Council incorporated, $10 million freed for building new Chemawa facility, Grant sparks construction, Mastodon site excavation go-ahead, Three education members named
Page 7: New Cunningham bill cont., Ray opposes Yakimas on jurisdiction cont.
Page 8: The Interstate Tapes: 3. Arizona, County Supervisor Platt lambastes Navajo voters as ‘irresponsible power’, Dixy-tribal confrontation?
Page 9: Court impact of Indian civil rights act, Atty Colby oversees law and order
Page 10: Your Health, About the hepatitis outbreak. 1978’s Indian legislation: Ten top bills expected to receive priority
Page 11: Quiet Moccasins: “Rosy the Riveter” Leona veteran of 33 years
Page 12: Across Indian America: Compromise on Indian college bill reached, US-Canada gas pipeline will cross tribal lands, Bushman home fire, Two ‘Model Tribes’: New Energy Dept. has 4 tribal initiatives
Page 13: The Look of Life: NCAI faces in Dallas, Nora Lee Yazzie Miss NCAI 1977-1978
Page 14: Perspectives: Cunningham justifies tribal abrogation bill, Gerard, congressional aides, tribal leaders unworried by kill-treaties bill.
Page 15: Out of our Mailbags: Councilman Roger Jim weights ‘backlash’ history, Puzzlement, Teachings
Page 16: Tribal Arts: Buffy’s Northwest tour, Chief Seelatsee portraits, TV digging Indian ‘roots’ for mini-series
Page 17: Funding sources for Indian arts listed, Indian photography prizes, Posthumous show: Saul carvings
Page 18: Sports: Portland’s Walton will attend Grid Kid’s banquet, Mixed Doubles--a 38-team roster, Gottfriedson saddle bronc champ
Page 19: Scow-Ma wins trophies, Police sponsor police match, National rodeo finals set at Albuquerque, It’s Kugies sweep
Page 20: Ad
Page 21: Classifieds
Page 22: Classifieds
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Page 24: Ad